
[EN] [DE]


Magellan 2.x ·  
Magellan 1.x ·  

Feedback & Support



Alliance Plugin ·  
Extended Commands ·  
Lighthouse Plugin ·  
MapCleaner Plugin ·  
MapEdit Plugin ·  
MapIcons Plugin ·  
MemoryWatch Plugin ·  
ShipLoader Plugin ·  
Statistics Plugin ·  
Teacher Plugin ·  

Console Merger ·  

Report a bug

Code at Github


Bugs in Magellan

For us as developers the error messages are a good start when tackling a problem. These can be found in the errors.txt file in the Magellan folder; please include these error messages if you have a problem with Magellan. To reproduce an error it may prove necessary to send in (an excerpt of) the used CR. These CRs are of course handled confidentially, and will be deleted after the issue has been resolved.

Please refer to this page if you want to report errors:

Feature wishes = further development

We try to develop Magellan according to the wishes of its users. Our bug tracker helps enormously in this, because all feature wishes are centrally and publicly available.

Eressea Community

Please leave your questions and remarks with the Eressea community channels. For the best way to do this - forum, IRC, Discord or whatnot - check the Eressea home page.